How ABA Builds Daily Living Skills

How ABA Builds Daily Living Skills

Does your child struggle with daily tasks such as getting dressed, using the toilet properly, or eating alone? These daily tasks can be tricky for some children, and the reasons can differ. Some learn and develop at their own pace, while others might be experiencing sensory sensitivities that make tasks difficult.

If you’re looking for ways to boost your child’s confidence and help them navigate everyday tasks, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is the best tool to empower your child.

What are daily living skills?

Everyday tasks like toileting or getting dressed are often referred to as Activities for Daily Living (ADL) or simply daily living skills. They are building blocks for a person’s independence and quality of life. The skills can also be broadly categorized into two areas:

  • Self-care skills: These are basic tasks needed to maintain hygiene and personal care like brushing teeth, eating meals, bathing, etc.
  • Functional skills: These skills involve managing daily routine and interacting with what’s around you like doing laundry, following directions, time management, and communicating your thoughts or needs.

For most people, these skills come naturally as we grow and develop. But as mentioned earlier, may require additional help to master these daily routines — that’s where ABA comes in.

How ABA helps

ABA therapy is an evidence-based approach that leverages the science of learning and behavior to create positive change. Building daily living skills with ABA usually involves multiple steps:


An ABA therapist first conducts a comprehensive assessment to understand your child’s needs, strengths, and challenges. This helps them identify what daily living skills would benefit from intervention.

For example, imagine your child struggling with getting dressed every morning. The ABA therapist would assess different aspects of this challenge.  They might observe how your child interacts with clothing textures, if difficulty with buttons or zippers is a factor, or if following a sequence of steps is causing confusion.

Individualized Behavioral Plan

Based on the data taken, the therapist creates a personalized plan for your child catering to their learning style and unique needs. It will also outline the specific daily living skills that get targeted, the length of the program, and the expected results.

Task Analysis

When it comes to building skills, one of the most used ABA techniques is task analysis. Complex tasks are broken down into smaller, more manageable steps to make them less overwhelming to your child. The therapist will then go over each step with your child one by one until they master the micro-steps individually.

For example, an ABA therapist might break down dressing into steps like putting on socks, putting on pants, and putting on a shirt.

Prompt Fading

Think of prompts like training wheels on a bike. They provide temporary support while your child learns a new skill. As your child gets better, you gradually remove the training wheels, allowing them to ride independently. Prompt fading in ABA therapy works similarly. This refers to gradually reducing the amount of assistance provided depending on your child’s level of skill mastery.

The prompt could be a physical touch, a verbal instruction, or even a picture showing what to do. Once your child gets a hang of a certain step or skill, the therapist will slowly remove the prompts until your child becomes fully independent.


Encouraging your child every step of the way is a vital ABA approach. Positive reinforcement like praise, tokens, or rewards helps motivate your child to keep practicing their daily living skills and become independent over time.

Building your child’s skills for life

ABA is a powerful tool that benefits everyone. Whether it’s mastering a daily routine, or managing challenging behaviors, ABA can offer a structured approach to help them succeed in life!

Explore ABA therapy today and see the positive impact it can have on your child’s development! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message Empirian. We’re always happy to help you and your child.

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